Our services

Trust an Experienced Local Company to Work on Your Roof!

Where Do We Repair?

We specialize in a variety of foundation repair services. We offer specialized solutions to match your demands, ranging from small repairs to extensive repairs.

Main Services We Offer

Slab Foundation Repair

Strengthen and stabilize your concrete slab foundation.

Pier & Beam Foundation Repair

Restore the integrity of your pier and beam structure.

Steel Pier Foundation Repair

Reinforce foundation stability with steel pier adjustments.

Crawl Space Repair

Securely fortify your home's crawl space integrity.

Basement Waterproofing

Waterproofing your basement with our quality waterproofing solutions.

Drainage Correction

Improve water flow to protect your foundation.

Foundation Waterproofing

Shield your foundation from moisture intrusion.

House Leveling

Professional house leveling services ensure your home's stability and safety.

Root Barriers

Don't let the roots of trees get in way of your foundation causing damage.

Helical Pier Foundation Repair

Restore the integrity of your helical pier structure in Fort Worth, TX.

Foundation Repair Process



Identify and understand the root cause of all the foundation problems.


Plan / Design

Design a customized repair plan and estimates to address the specific issues.


Work Delivery

Implement the chosen solution with skilled professionals ensuring quality services.

Contact us

Need Foundation Repair Services in Fort Worth, TX?

Call to ask questions

+1 (817) 214-4080


Why Main Reasons For People Choosing

“Foundation Repair Fort Worth, TX, provided an on-time, comprehensive evaluation of my home for foundation and drainage concerns.”

John McGuire

“The consultant from Foundation Repair Fort Worth, TX, provided a friendly and honest evaluation of our foundation, informing us that no repairs were necessary.”

Ellie Garzon

“My interaction with Foundation Repair Fort Worth, TX, particularly with their structural analyst, was nothing short of professional. 10/10 Recommend”

Pierre Bryant